Year: 2022

The amazing Lemon Coconut Slice we made with miss P

Hi last week Friday when the year 6 and 5s were gone to camp Renesmee , Khadija, Crystal and me were cooking with miss P after morning tea we made Lemon Coconut Slice and it was delicious so if you want to make here is the recipe.  

Ingredients            Prep Time: 15 minutes       Cook Time: 40 minutes        Total Time: 55 minutes

. 250 grams of butter

. 430 grams (2 cups) caster sugar

. 4 eggs

. 225 grams (1 1/2 cups) plain white flour

. 85 grams (1 cup) desiccated coconut

. 1 tablespoon finely grated lemon rind

. 60ml (1/4 cup) fresh lemon juice

. Icing sugar , to dust

Last week learning

Kia ora bloggers !!

Last week on Wednesday the 31st of august we did some learning about Gymnastics , we went to Tristar Gym we

learnt how to do a hand stand , balancing on skinny little bars then we had to walk backwords on

the long bars after that we had to walk ahead of another long bar.

The second session was to jump on a high table that you stand on and to jump into the phone pet then you hop on to a

blue carpet and then jump into another phone pet and after you got to hop on another blue carpet and if you are the first person you got to go onto the trampoline and then bounce onto your bottom turn and land on your bottom again.

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